just call me k


just call me k

10 82
thanks for deleting my comments bud
talk to her. she really misses u. at least be friends
yes yes u are
i miSSed youuu
*talks to every single girl on pc*
hello ‘m antonia:) we should be frens.
absolutelY :) sO k, tell mE aBout y0u ?
hM I’ll drag something oUt if you at somepoiNt in time. what’s up ?
hM im offended, can’t even remember my name 😤 jk , it’s antonia:) or toni, or whatever you wanna call me ( give me bonus points for he rhyming there ) 😂
oU , never got that before :)
this is hard bc i only have one letter to give you a nickname withhh , k.
thiS iS hArd.
antonia rosella anderson, fits pretty wEll. JK JK JK THAT WAS A HUGE JOKE MY GOD IM SORRY I CANT FLIRT.
this is why i hate mySelf lmaø ^
if you don’t wanna go by your first name , why don’t you just go by valcan? :,)
valcan is probably the coolest middle name ever.
rosella is pretty average:)
hA unfortunately im nottt:) you need glasses x
hM i cAnt flirt to save my life , but hey , you’re name’s h0T mAy i add.
wEll wE should gEt youR eyes cheCked oUt hUh ?
yep yep
well , all good things must come to an end , imma head to bed , goodnight k x
yooo im leonardo
because i knOw HAHA
you’re so rude
ugly boy
i know but u don’t need to lie to make me happy
call me pretty once im Kim k:)
it’s the truth
why are you calling me pretty when there’s actually gorgeous girls here and you call me pretty
it’s okay. you said “nope but you are”
hm but when people compliment you isn’t that flirty. and then on the other hand if u call someone pretty that means u like them so confusing
i knowww. but thank you:) im never gonna find love. what even is love:(
i mean i do bUt i have to make sure he loves me and that he’s on pc often
yeah. just ignore me, i’m a cow.
you’re stupfi
i dare you to autocorrect me
bae, you’re not good at dares.
I’m just confused ugh
ugh ugh ugh
what’s ur problem
cause i don’t want to, dUh.
mhm and my problems aren’t you’re problems
very rude
ur so flirty
remix me back
hey kai .. i just wanted to say i’m sorry for everythiNg
i said i’m sorry for everything
and you can’t say you aren’t kai because i know it’s you
it doesn’t matter
just being hoNest
well i wish you would have told be because the whole time this “ thing “ has been happening i felt terrible because you didn’t know about it and i would never move to someone else without you knowing. i really hope that we can still be friends after all this because i still do love you ..
*deletes comment* BHAHAHA
true but what i meant was i would never jump into a relationship without you know .. the feeling obviously isn’t mutual
* knowing
well it’s kinda obvious that you and katrina have a thing .. which is good but what i’m saying is if you guys were to start dating i feel like you wouldn’t tell me and just ignore me like you have been
hm alright .. friends?
yayayaya .. what are you up to?
leave me alOne kailUmMm
hElO , mrs.anderson is baCk. oU that rhymed.
i put you in my bio .. you’re welcomE
yOu should reMix mE bAck :))
the best for last obviously
i lava you <3
oH yAy
kai kai kAi
you said hey em then i just said kai kai kai
wHats uP. iM boRed. tAlK tO mE:,)
iM sTill mAd aT yOu
becAuse yoU weRe igNoring mE
i neeD a bOyfriend, aNd i cAnt bE fuTure mrs.anderson bC yOu dK hOw to riDe a diRt biKe hmph.
yEs bC i thiNk oF yOu aS a bEst friEnd. ig i liKed yOu aT oNe poiNt bUt
yEs yoU weRe hOe
how’s it goin
omg sAmE:)))
i saved the best for last duH
i lavA YOU
what’s wrong love ?
i just told you i laved you .. how’d i break your heart ?
be haPPY
i just want to hide in bed all day
yEs pleaSe
i broke you .. don’t even get me staRTED
well what’s uppp ?
go aWAY
you’re being annoYING
aW wHay haPpened ?
i wanna leave
i feel loveless if that’s a word
and useless
gAsp , hOw dArE sHE.
you’re faKING
kai doesn’t have feeLINGS
right so does everyone,in a friend way.
there’s something bothering me so much i just can’t:(
aW hOw buD ?
i can’t I’m gonna make things worse.
hm whateVER
have fun with katRINA
there’s nothing to sorT OUT
remember when you were ignoriNG ME
i thiNk I unDerstOOd the firsT tiMe
no nO NO
hOw did sHe bReak yOur hEart in the first plAce.
i’m sad now i hope you’re haPPY
mm i lava you
no .. stay oN
you will talk to me tomorrow
why’s em on private:(
i hate love.
everyone keeps saying that to make me feel better and i have to say okay but it’s not okay! because it’s not true and no one wants me and ugh. I’m done with love :)
im quitting on love:)))
it’s true. i don’t like love. love doesn’t like me:)
I’ve got to go to school:( talk to you later love
are u at school
i just got outtt miSSed you:)
yeah i know. i hope the best for you guys.
there’s really no point for staying. no point at all. everyone has a boyfriend/girlfriend or a thing with someone and i don’t really have anything with that with anyone so there’s no point.
they don’t need me. they’ll be upset maybe for an hour and forgot about me.
you have Emily and all you’re other friends
like I said EVERYONE says that and they get over it. so will you.
don’t worry you’re girlfriend will make you happy:)
you to. so are u and em gonna date
so wsp
samesame just stalking cole sprouse like always
hey sorry for being an annoying brat;) thanks for being there for me bud love you (friend way) 💞
hA yes I am
i don’t get it why does em hate him
oml i don’t get people. they were like friends and now she’s saying she doesn’t like him? he hasn’t done anything
yeah i know I asked him why he wasn’t on he said he was busy
cause people have a life and aren’t on this app 24/7
i really appreciate that. thank you. but if i leave him then what do I do. I’m just gonna be sad and lonely
if so many people loved me,whenever I find a boy that don’t like me or there a fùçkboy
yeah they sure are. and hella confusing. ugh
hm okay
hi kai
thank you love. but it’s okay.
i wonder who made that account
i don’t care either way but they must have nothing to do with there life.
bahahah no clue that’s so stupid
my love
send help
kai my love .. i want to murder jacE
well i kinda sorta went off on him and called him a dîck
i lava yoU
not possiblE
no no no
you’re annoying
do not
i missed yoU
what’s with the....
i hate when people do it....it’s so awkward
shut it kAiiiilum
or should i just call ya’ k? ;)
not possible
it’s alright .. don’t stress over it
i missed you too love :’)
i miss you :,(
hey monkey
let’s take a minute and appreciate my profile pic😍😍😍
maybe you would be first if you would stop leaving me
you just left me for 23 minutes hoe
i’m joking .. calm down
hey mister
wait can I call you mr bean?
hm it’s alright
no no nO
i think i’ll keep talkiNg
entertain me I’m dying
u suck
bye hoE
stop talkiNg to mE
leave me alONE
what’s wrong? :/
i missed you too :)
hm it’s alright .. i love you :,)
hey kai
i miss youu
i missed you too :,)
good gOOd
i am speaking ?
i miss you kai
it’s alright
ok good good :,)
yayayaya <3
let’s talk and remiX
hey love
my day was very good .. i hung out with a friend. what about you ?
no boys have been flirting with me .. obviously i only like you
kai .. i alright. i love you too <3
* it’s alright
kai bby :(
welcome kid
i feel like you’ve been avoiding me....
but anyways I’m so lOnLy ha
it’s alright
i know you’ve been busy lately which is okay. i just want you to know that i miss you so so so much love :,) 💙
ugh kaiii
kai bby :(
i hate not talking to you
i’m back i’m back
i’ve missed you so so much
hmph now i’m sad :(
because i thought that i wasn’t going to be able to talk to you .. i better now :,)
it was one of the saddest moments of my life
i’m assuming you went to sleep so i hope you sleep well. i lava you so much kailum vulcan anderson 🖤
god your name is so hot :,)
how are you dOod
i’m offended, what about me huh?
fūck you
wonk wink
come bacK
kai u missed out yesterday there was a lot of drAma
missed u kid
why haven’t u asked Emily out yet
she’s ready to date u
my extremely attractive, sweet, adorable, weird, rad almost boyfriend
kai bby
ah i miss you like crazy
i’m so sad and i need hugs
answer me
bRo i miSSeD yOuuou
kai bby
kai don’t ignore me i need to talk to you about something important it’s about Emily
did you miss me